========================================================= === === ChangeLog Information for AstLinux Web Interface === ========================================================= [Version 1.9.18] 1) Phoneprov tab, add "grandstream" reload/reboot matches. [Version 1.9.17] 1) Status tab, updated "Show Licenses" information. [Version 1.9.16] 1) Status tab, support Asterisk 18 AMI output lines greater than 256 characters. 2) Prefs tab, Asterisk 18 is the new fallback version for the default "Repository URL". 3) System tab, add view "Cron Daemon log" menu. [Version 1.9.15] 1) Status tab, updated "Show Licenses" information. [Version 1.9.14] 1) Edit tab, shell syntax, support bash here-string. 2) Update Copyright (c) 2004-2023. [Version 1.9.12] 1) Network tab, tzdata renames Europe/Kiev to Europe/Kyiv Timezone. 2) Status and Prefs tab, change "Voicemail User Status", "DAHDI Status" and "Jabber Status" to custom Asterisk Name/Command status. Defaults to previous standard Asterisk Name/Command values for backward compatibility. 3) Network tab, Dynamic DNS Update, add "IPv64" service type. More Info: https://ipv64.net/ [Version 1.9.11] 1) WAN Failover Configuration sub-tab, add 'Restart' wait so 'statusPROCESS' is accurate. [Version 1.9.10] 1) Status tab, add UEFI indicator to Hardware: [Version 1.9.09] 1) Status tab, updated "Show Licenses" information. 2) Network tab, Non-ACME Self-Signed HTTPS Certificate, use 2048 key length. [Version 1.9.08] 1) Network -> Firewall -> Traffic Shaping, add CAKE support. CAKE Tuning Options Link Layer Tuning: Optimizes framing for link type. ACK Filter: Only enable if your raw down/up ratio is 15/1 or greater. 2) Network -> WAN Failover -> External Failover Traffic Shaper, new feature for External Failover Interface. [Version 1.9.07] 1) Status tab, do not include IPv6 addresses from the Failover Interface in the "IPv6 Prefixes" list. 2) PhoneProv tab, add default "mitel" vendor for sip_notify_reload/reboot. [Version 1.9.06] 1) Network tab -> VPN Type: "IPsec Peers" and "IPsec Mobile" has been removed. Remove IPsec (racoon) VPN support. 2) Added vnStat tab, available to "admin/staff" users. Hidden by default in Prefs tab. 3) Staff tab, encrypted "primary" backup, exclude /mnt/kd/lxc/ directory. 4) System tab, add backup "Linux Containers (lxc)" menu. [Version 1.9.05] 1) Edit tab, make '.sh' files use 'shell' codemirror mode (syntax). 2) System tab, add view syslog messages.0 or messages.1 3) Edit tab, CodeMirror, add shell syntax Heredoc support. 4) Replace getdns/stubby with unbound for DNS-over-TLS support. 5) PhoneProv tab, add a lockfile for "Generate Files". [Version 1.9.04] 1) Status tab, DHCP Leases, label 'Vendor Name' as (Randomized MAC Address) when appropriate. [Version 1.9.03] 1) setup.php, remove 'Combined' partition option. Always create separate Unionfs and /mnt/kd/ partitions. 2) Network tab, dynamically add VLAN and BRIDGE entries to interface list. Ignore veth* interfaces. 3) Network and Edit tabs, add "Restart Linux Containers" support, and edit /mnt/kd/lxc/container/*/config 4) Status and Prefs tabs, add support for Linux Containers status. 5) Network -> "DNS-TLS Proxy Server Configuration" sub-tab, add "Import DoT Resolver" menu. 6) Monitor tab, add support for recording filename labels. 7) Status tab, add Firewall status indicator. 8) Status tab, updated "Show Licenses" information. [Version 1.9.02] 1) Status tab, NTP Time Sources: use "chronyc -N sources" if supported. 2) Remove PPTP VPN support. [Version 1.9.01] 1) System and Staff tabs, exclude unionfs backup paths using glob matches. 2) Edit tab, add support for CodeMirror text editing. Keyboard Actions: (after clicking text edit area) Note: Windows users, use Ctrl instead of Cmd Cmd-f -> Find Cmd-g -> Find Next Cmd-/ -> Toggle Comment Cmd-. -> Toggle Comment Tab -> Toggle between "fullscreen" (full-window) mode and normal Esc -> Return to normal, "fullscreen" (full-window) mode off 3) Prefs tab -> Edit Tab Options: _x_ CodeMirror Editor uncheck to use the standard HTML text editor. Theme: [ default ] select the desired theme for CodeMirror. Tip: [solarized], [seti-mks] and [zenburn] are worth a look. 4) Tweak to eliminate PHP 7 Warning and Deprecated errors. 5) Edit tab, add [Apply user.conf variables] as the first selector to { Reload/Restart }. Additionally a basic syntax check is performed on the resulting /etc/rc.conf file. 6) Edit tab, add Reload/Restart menu selection hints to be context-sensitive. 7) All tabs, add a "Goto Top" button on the upper-right when scrolled down such that tabs are not shown. 8) WireGuard sub-tab, add WG->Local TCP/UDP firewall rules support. 9) Edit tab, add support for /mnt/kd/wan-failover-exit.script file. 10) Prefs tab, add "Show Wiki Tab" and "External Wiki Link" options. The Wiki Link may be an external site or access the local Wiki using /mnt/kd/wiki/ with: External Wiki Link: https://localhost/admin/wiki/ Note: Only 'staff' or 'admin' web users are allowed to access the local Wiki. [Version 1.8.49] 1) Core, disable PHP output buffering for file downloads using readfile(). Fixes issues with very large files. 2) Prefs, System and Staff tabs, add support for Backup Exclude Suffixes Example, in Prefs tab -> System & Staff Tab Options: Backup Exclude Suffixes: | rom,bin,fwu | This will exclude all *.rom, *.bin and *.fwu files in all backup types in the System/Staff tabs. [Version 1.8.48] 1) Status tab, DHCPv6 leases, fill empty clientname's using associated DHCPv4 via MAC's. 2) Network tab, add NETSTAT_EXTIF support. 3) Status tab and dialproxy, add AMI "Action: command" support for Asterisk 16. 4) Network tab, change Outbound SMTP defaults to Port 465, Auth "plain", TLS/SSL and Check Cert. 5) Network, Edit tabs, add "Reload WireGuard VPN" support to apply peer changes/additions/deletions. 6) Status tab, add "ChangeLog" link to display changes since AstLinux 1.2.0 using local file storage. [Version 1.8.47] 1) Status tab, add DNSMASQ lease DB support using files /var/db/dnsmasq-lease.db and optionally /var/db/dnsmasq-lease6.db, if they exist. [Version 1.8.46] 1) OpenVPN Server sub-tab, replace exported .ovpn file ns-cert-type with remote-cert-tls. 2) OpenVPN Server and Client sub-tabs, Disable Compression by default. 3) Firewall sub-tab, add WIREGUARD_ALLOW_OPENVPN rc.conf variable support. 4) Network tab, filter out 'wg*' and 'ip6pd' from interface menu list. 5) Edit tab, add support for WireGuard VPN Mobile Clients. 6) WireGuard VPN sub-tab, add "Mobile Client Defaults" and "Mobile Client Credentials" sections. Mobile clients can be added and deleted, configurations edited and credentials (including a QR code) downloaded. 7) Status tab, improve layout of "WireGuard VPN Status" section. 8) OpenVPN Server and WireGuard VPN sub-tabs, add "Client Isolation" and "Peer Isolation" firewall options. 9) WireGuard VPN sub-tab, add "Redirect Ports" firewall option. 10) CSS style sheet, add 'Menlo' to included monospace font-family. [Version 1.8.45] 1) Prefs tab -> System & Staff Tab Options: add independent option for genx86_64-vm images which defaults to "checked" for genx86_64-vm images, "unchecked" for all other image types. _x_ Disable faster "kernel-reboot" System Reboot 2) Network, Edit tabs, add "Restart Keepalived" support, and edit /mnt/kd/keepalived/keepalived.conf 3) PhoneProv tab, display user.conf PHONEPROV_GW_IP if defined. [Version 1.8.44] 1) Status tab, add Hardware: system-vendor info when available. 2) Network -> "DNSCrypt Proxy Server Configuration" sub-tab, add support for Import sdns:// Stamp. Public Resolvers: https://download.dnscrypt.info/dnscrypt-resolvers/v2/public-resolvers.md 3) Network -> "DNS-TLS Proxy Server Configuration" sub-tab, add support for DNS over TLS (stubby). 4) Status tab, performance improvement using asynchronous system calls. 5) All tabs, low-level performance improvements. 6) Remove stray trailing spaces. [Version 1.8.43] 1) Status, Network, Edit, Prefs tabs, add support for WireGuard VPN, new WireGuard sub-tab. 2) Firewall sub-tab, add WIREGUARD_ALLOWLAN rc.conf variable support. 3) Prefs tab and XMPP sub-tab, increase select fields to maxlength=512 4) Edit and System tab, include all /mnt/kd/*.script files for editing and backup/restore. [Version 1.8.42] 1) Network tab, Add DuckDNS Dynamic DNS menu item. 2) Network tab, Add Data Backup / Tarsnap Backup Options sub-tab. Used with CLI tarsnap-backup . [Version 1.8.41] 1) Status tab, RAM Memory, replace Free with Available as per /proc/meminfo . 2) Network tab, IPv6 Autoconfig, add selectable interfaces for Prefix Delegation by selecting "Assign GUA Prefix" Note: "Assign GUA Prefix" only applies if Network tab -> Connection Type: includes DHCPv6. 3) Network tab, Dynamic DNS, rename label 'pairNIC' to 'pairDomains' 4) Network tab, add "ACME (Let's Encrypt) Certificate" section with topic help info. 5) Status tab, add optional "ACME Certificates" section, show via Prefs tab. 6) System tab, add "english-nz" (New Zealand) sound language. [Version 1.8.40] 1) Network tab, add support for "DNS Get IPv6 Address:" using DDGETIPV6 rc.conf variable. 2) Network tab, add "HE Free DNS" Dynamic DNS Service Type and "checkip.dns.he.net" DNS Get IP selection. 3) Network tab, Dynamic DNS Update, add button to edit "/mnt/kd/ddclient.conf" if it exists. 4) Network and Edit tab, add Restart FTP Server, add FTPD_WRITE rc.conf variable suppport. 5) CLI tab, add support for "staff" user when Prefs tab has unchecked: Disable CLI Tab for "staff" user 6) CLI tab, add user selectable styles; Black, White or Green on White or Black background, right-click for menu. 7) Network -> OpenVPN Client sub-tab, generate OVPNC_REMOTE_CERT_TLS instead of the deprecated OVPNC_NSCERTTYPE 8) Status tab, OpenVPN Server Status, adjust for new "Virtual IPv6 Address" column with OpenVPN 2.4 9) Follow-Me tab, add support for enable_callee_prompt, adding "Single number without callee prompt" dial method. 10) Edit tab, allow editing of "/mnt/kd/dhcp6c.script". 11) Status tab, add IPv6 Prefixes and IPv6 Address in a row, when applicable. [Version 1.8.39] 1) Network and Edit tab, add support for strongSwan IPsec VPN. Note: "IPsec strongSwan" can only be enabled when "IPsec Peers" and "IPsec Mobile" are both disabled. 2) Status tab, display "ipsec status" output in IPsec Associations (strongSwan). 3) Status, Network, Edit, Prefs, System tabs, add support for 'chrony' instead of 'ntp' for network time. 4) System tab, add View System Files: [ IPsec strongSwan log ] 5) Firewall sub-tab, add "Log Denied attempts by a blocked host" inbound/outbound selectively. 6) Network tab, add Cloudflare dynamic DNS service. 7) Network tab, remove Dynamic DNS 'getip.krisk.org' (no longer working), map to default. [Version 1.8.38] 1) Network -> Firewall sub-tab, add "Deny LAN to DMZ" option for specified LAN Interfaces. 2) Network tab, add 4th LAN Interface. Added 4th LAN support to Firewall sub-tab and PhoneProv tab. 3) Network tab, SMTP Mail Relay, allow an empty "SMTP Cert File" which will default to the system ca-bundle.crt 4) Network -> Firewall sub-tab, add Block Host/CIDR using *.netset file(s) in the directory /mnt/kd/blocklists . 5) ConfBridge tab, tweak text responses for Asterisk 13.11.0 6) Edit tab, add Firewall Whitelist Set support: whitelist.netset, whitelistv6.netset in /mnt/kd/blocklists 7) Edit tab, add Firewall Blocklist Set support: blocked-hosts.netset, blocked-hostsv6.netset in /mnt/kd/blocklists 8) Edit tab, add "Reload Firewall Blocklist" action menu item. 9) Status tab, check for known default "admin" password and issue a warning if the default. [Version 1.8.37] 1) Automatically don't use kernel-reboot with 'genx86_64-vm' builds, use reboot instead. 2) Network tab, increase layout size of "Outbound SMTP Mail Relay" -> "SMTP Username:" 3) Network and Edit tab, add support for Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD. 4) Network -> Firewall sub-tab, add support for "Pass LAN->LAN" action. 5) Add HTML meta "viewport" tag to be "mobile friendly". [Version 1.8.36] 1) Network tab, remove 'inadyn' dynamic DNS client support, add a few more "DNS Service Type" entries. 2) Prefs tab, new options under "Show Network Tab", checked by default: _x_ Disable DNS Hosts Tab for "staff" user _x_ Disable XMPP Users Tab for "staff" user When unchecked, new tabs are presented for "staff" users. [Version 1.8.35] 1) Network tab and and WAN Failover sub-tab, add DHCPv6 support with Connection Type: [DHCP/DHCPv6] and Connection Type: [Static IPv4/DHCPv6] A) External Interface supports Prefix Delegation and Request IPv6 Address B) WAN Failover Interface does not support Prefix Delegation, only Request IPv6 Address 2) Network tab -> "External DHCPv6 Client Settings:" adds External Interface DHCPv6 configuration options. 3) Network tab, new certificate creation, add Signature Algorithm: [ SHA-1, SHA-256 ] option, defaults to SHA-256. Applies only to new certificates: A) SIP-TLS certificate (shared with other packages as well) B) OpenVPN server certificate C) IPsec server certificate D) HTTPS web server certificate (only SHA-256 for new certificates) 4) CLI tab, set terminal background to 'white' and remove unnecessary title header. 5) Status tab, add system architecture string to 'AstLinux Release:'. 6) Network and System tabs, now use "/sbin/kernel-reboot" if available for a faster reboot. Use classic reboot method by checking Prefs tab option 'Disable faster "kernel-reboot" System Reboot'. 7) Status tab, allow empty lines within a Custom Asterisk Command output. 8) Network tab -> IPsec Configuration, add all supported "DH Group:" and "PFS Group:" choices. 9) Staff tab, add "Restart FOP2" support if installed. 10) Network tab -> Dynamic DNS Update, add "nsupdate.info" service type. 11) Staff tab, add Primary /mnt/kd/ files Backup choice. (See [Version 1.6.05] for Staff Backup) 12) System tab -> Asterisk Sounds Packages, update language list. [Version 1.8.34] 1) System and Staff tab, Configuration/File Backup: exclude /stat/var/www/cache/ files from unionfs backup. 2) Network -> "DNSCrypt Proxy Server Configuration" sub-tab, add support for "Ephemeral Keys" and optional "Secondary Server" configuration. 3) PhoneProv tab, add real-time links for "Status", "Reload" and "Reboot". Note: The sip_notify.conf or pjsip_notify.conf file is parsed to determine what context to use. For Reload: 1st) Try the template 'model' followed by '-reload', ex. 'snom320-reload' 2nd) Try the template 'vendor' followed by '-reload', ex. 'snom-reload' last) Automatically, the template 'vendor' is used to make a best guess. For Reboot: 1st) Try the template 'model' followed by '-reboot', ex. 'yealink28-reboot' 2nd) Try the template 'vendor' followed by '-reboot', ex. 'yealink-reboot' last) Automatically, the template 'vendor' is used to make a best guess. The template may contain "sip_driver=pjsip" in the [general] context to specify to use the pjsip command syntax. By default the standard sip commands are used. 4) SQL-Data tab, version bump to phpLiteAdmin 1.9.6, modified for AstLinux 5) Add support for Fossil: A) Network tab -> Fossil - Software Configuration Management: B) Fossil tab -> Fossil Web Interface. C) Network and Edit tabs allow Fossil to be Restarted. D) Prefs tab, "Show Fossil Tab" - unchecked by default. e) Edit tab -> "Fossil Commands" button when Fossil tab is shown. [Version 1.8.33] 1) Prefs and System tab, set default "Repository URL" to use Asterisk 13 if installed. 2) Status and Network tab, change NAT-PMP to NAT-PMP/PCP labels for latest MiniUPnP. 3) CDR Log tab, new { Export CDR.csv } button which exports the CDR data currently displayed with any search criteria applied. [Version 1.8.32] 1) Add support for Monit: A) Network tab -> Network Services: Monit Monitoring: { Configure Monit } B) Monit tab -> Monit Service Management. C) Network, Edit and Monit Config tabs allow Monit to be Restarted. D) Prefs tab, "Show Monit Tab" - unchecked by default. 2) ConfBridge tab, add Asterisk 13 support. 3) Remove "radvd" support as "dnsmasq" is now used for IPv6 router advertisements. [Version 1.8.31] 1) System -> Add-On Packages: add action "Check for New" and "Show Installed" works for all packages, or now just the selected package. 2) Status tab, added "S.M.A.R.T Monitoring", disabled by default and can be enabled via the Prefs tab. 3) Status tab, added "WAN Failover Status", and can be hidden via the Prefs tab. 4) Network tab, added "External Failover Interface:" section with new sub-tab... { WAN Failover Configuration } 5) Network -> OpenVPN Server -> Server Hostname(s): may now contain a space separated list of hosts which will add multiple "remote" entries to the .ovpn profile for failover. Note: Revision 6780 is required for /usr/sbin/upgrade-package script changes. [Version 1.8.30] 1) Network -> Outbound SMTP Mail Relay: SMTP Local Aliases: { Edit Local Aliases } is shown if the file /mnt/kd/msmtp-aliases.conf exists. 2) Users tab, add support for multiple email entries separated by |'s, longer email entries and sanitize input more strictly. 3) Network and Edit tabs, add "Kamailio SIP Server" support for /mnt/kd/kamailio/ . Additionally, added "Restart Kamailio" menu entries. 4) Status tab, added "Kamailio SIP Server Status", and can be hidden via the Prefs tab. [Version 1.8.28] 1) Network -> Dynamic DNS Update: [ disabled ] option added to provide a simple method to disable Dynamic DNS without deleteing a working configuration. 2) Network -> Firewall sub-tab, add support for multiple "Allow OpenVPN" LAN interfaces. 3) Status tab, Zabbix Monitoring Status, properly match processes with Zabbix 2.2.x . 4) Actionlist tab, added larger User Data field. 5) Status tab, add "Show PPPoE Logs" button to display filtered pppd logs. [Version 1.8.27] 1) Network -> Firewall sub-tab, add "Log Denied DMZ interface packets" option defaults to "unchecked" to not log denied packets (IPv4 broadcasts for example) in the DMZ. 2) Network -> Network Services: DNSCrypt Proxy Server: { Configure DNSCrypt } 3) Added PhoneProv tab, maintains an Asterisk "astdb" list for phoneprov-massdeployment using phoneprov-tools. Show/Hide and number of Extensions Displayed in Prefs tab. 4) Edit tab, support to edit /mnt/kd/phoneprov/templates/*.conf files. 5) ConfBridge tab, fully support user mute with Asterisk 11.8.0 and later. 6) System tab, add "english-gb" (Great Britain) sound language. [Version 1.8.26] 1) phone-ldap-dir.php script, add option for Active Directory server 2) Network tab, add support for 'ddclient' in Dynamic DNS Update. Defaults to 'inadyn'. 3) Network tab -> Network Services: LDAP Server, Directory Information { Configure LDAP Server } 4) Edit and Network tabs, add Restart LDAP Server. 5) Added LDAP-AB tab, available to "admin" and "staff" users. Hidden by default in Prefs tab. The LDAP-AB tab manages the LDAP Address Book, import, export and revert. 6) dialproxy.php, add support for POST method and number filtering using DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS. 7) Added NetStat tab, available to "admin" users. Hidden by default in Prefs tab. 8) Network tab -> Network Services: NetStat Server: disabled|enabled and NetStat Interfaces: 9) "Restart" services now displays "is Running" or "is Stopped" results when possible. 10) SQL-Data tab, for 'staff' user, disable actions: table_create, view_create, table_drop, view_drop, table_empty 11) Network tab, UPS Monitoring now uses NUT instead of apcupsd. Added options. The Status, Edit and System tabs are changed to support the new UPS Monitoring method. Note: UPS Monitoring must be re-enabled if it was previously enabled. [Version 1.8.25] 1) Add FOP2 support 1a) System tab, new "Add-On Packages" feature. 1b) All tabs, show FOP2 link when "fop2" Add-On Package is installed. 1c) Prefs tab, add "External FOP2 Link: __ Use HTTPS" option 1d) Edit and Network tabs, Restart and Reload Asterisk FOP2. 1e) Edit tab, support to edit /mnt/kd/fop2/*.cfg files. 1f) Voicemail tab, support FOP2 UserEvent: FOP2RELOADVOICEMAIL to sync mailbox status. 2) Prefs tab, add "__ Backup filename uses both Hostname and Domain" option. 3) Network -> Configure DNS Hosts sub-tab, force unique IP's so dnsmasq always restarts additionally, better validation for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Note: The interface layout has changed for the DNS Hosts sub-tab, the IP Address appears on the left instead of the Host Name. If you want to define more than one DNS host name to an IP address the Host Name field may contain a space separated list of host names or FQDN's. Only the first host name will be used with the MAC address (if any) for DHCP. 4) Use charset encoding 'utf-8' instead of 'iso-8859-1' for all tabs. 5) XMPP sub-tab, add PubSub support. 6) Edit tab, add shortcut support defined via Prefs tab. Shortcuts: are defined as a return (CR) separated list of filenames, optionally with a trailing ~Label . Example: /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/user.conf /etc/asterisk/sip.conf /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf~Asterisk_Dialplan [Version 1.8.24] 1) Network tab, add "LDAP Client System Defaults" support for LDAP_* rc.conf variables. Edit tab, add "LDAP Client System Defaults" support for /mnt/kd/ldap.conf file. Additionally, Network and Edit tabs, added "Reload LDAP Client" menu entries. 2) A new "phone-ldap-dir.php" script, similar to the "phone-dir.php script", but uses the system LDAP client settings to query the data. [Version 1.8.23] 1) A new ConfBridge tab has been added, hidden by default. The Prefs tab allows the tab to be shown, as well as sharing the MeetMe & ConfBridge Tab Options. 2) Network tab, allow static IPv6 when DHCP is specified for IPv4 on external interface. 3) Prefs tab, allow "staff" user to access SQL-Data tab, disabled by default. 4) Network and Edit tabs, add "SNMP Agent Server" support for /mnt/kd/snmp/snmpd.conf . Additionally, added "Restart SNMP Server" menu entries. 5) System tab, add the /mnt/kd/snmp/ directory to the Basic Configuration Backup. [Version 1.8.22] 1) Add new SQL-Data tab to edit the "/mnt/kd/asterisk-odbc.sqlite3" database. 2) Set system timezone with "/etc/timezone" if it exists. 3) Network tab, validate Timezone setting and display an error if invalid. 4) Allow all tabs to work with or without PHP "Magic Quotes" enabled on the server. 5) Set in php.ini: magic_quotes_gpc = Off 6) All tabs, sanitize text input data used for rc.conf variable configuration. 7) Firewall tab, Traffic Shaping - Downlink Speed, set "Disabled" by default and clarify. [Version 1.8.21] 1) Prefs and System tabs, add the Asterisk 11 Repository URL to the list of defaults. 2) OpenVPN Server and OpenVPN Client sub-tabs, add OpenVPN 2.3 IPv6 support. 3) OpenVPN Server and OpenVPN Client sub-tabs, add optional TLS-Auth support. 4) OpenVPN Server and OpenVPN Client sub-tabs, add optional Auth HMAC support. 5) OpenVPN Server sub-tab, add 'client.ovpn' certificate profile file in zip download. 6) Edit tab, support editing OpenVPN client config files in /mnt/kd/openvpn/ccd/ . [Version 1.8.20] 1) OpenVPN Server sub-tab, adds a new "Private Key Size:" entry, 1024 or 2048 Bits. Future generated keys/certificates will use the private key size value. 2) Network tab -> Network Services: XMPP Server, Messaging and Presence { Configure XMPP } 3) Status tab, added "Show XMPP Server Status", and can be hidden via the Prefs tab. 4) Staff tab, added { Restart Asterisk } [Version 1.8.19] 1) Network tab -> Network Services: Asterisk SIP-TLS Server Certificate { SIP-TLS Certificate } This manages a certificate for Asterisk, with a CA that can be installed on SIP clients. 2) OpenSSL Server certificates now use the fully qualified CommonName rather than the previous fixed value of 'server' in the Subject. 3) Status tab, updated "Show Licenses" information. [Version 1.8.18] 1) Network tab, Firewall Plugins: list is now marked as: [Active] if the plugin is currently active. [Enabled] if the plugin will be active on next Restart Firewall. [Disabled] if the plugin will not be active on next Restart Firewall. 2) OpenVPN Server sub-tab, adds a new "Firewall Options" section with the entry External Hosts: 0/0 The default value of 0/0 allows any external host. A space separated list may be defined to restrict access to only select external hosts. Note: This feature requires the new AIF "openvpn-server" plugin to be installed. 3) Network tab, HTTP & HTTPS /phoneprov/ Allowed IP's: field. When the directory "/mnt/kd/phoneprov" exists, access can be limited to a space separated list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses. The * wildcard may be used to match any number of any character. The default is to allow all IP's. Do not use CIDR notation, the IP address is matched via a regular expression. Example: 10.1.2.* 2001:db8:1:* Note: Revision 5730 is required for PCRE support in lighttpd. [Version 1.8.17] 1) Status tab, check both /etc/dnsmasq.conf and /etc/dnsmasq.static for dhcp-leasefile= to determine if the DHCP server is enabled. [Version 1.8.16] 1) Users tab, honors a new Prefs tab -> "Users Tab Options": ___ Remove User Voicemail Data when User is Deleted When checked, the user's local file voicemail storage will be removed when a user is deleted. 2) Voicemail tab, automatically create the "Old" voicemail folder if it doesn't exist. 3) Edit tab, if unsaved edits exist a dialog will warn the user before leaving. 4) Status and Prefs tab, add support for a custom Asterisk command. The Name and custom Asterisk command are defined in the Prefs tab. 5) Status and Prefs tab, add support for Adaptive Ban Plugin Status. 6) Status and Prefs tab, the "Latest System Logs" section in the Status tab can now be hidden via the Prefs tab. Additionally a new feature "Hide Log Words" in the Prefs tab is a list of space separated "words" that if matched on a log line it will not be displayed. For example: Hide Log Words: dnsmasq crond Will not display dnsmasq or crond log entries. Note: The regex special characters of '.' and '*' are honored in the "words", and the character matching is not case sensitive. [Version 1.8.15] 1) Add support for Zabbix 2.0: A) Network tab -> Network Services: Zabbix Monitoring: { Configure Zabbix } B) Status tab -> Zabbix Monitoring Status - when Zabbix is enabled. C) Network, Edit and Zabbix tabs allow Zabbix to be Restarted. D) System tab -> View System Files: allows both Agent and Proxy log files to be viewed. E) Zabbix sub-tab allows Monitoring to be disabled without deleting the Server entry. For existing Zabbix configurations via user.conf, update by first clicking { Configure Zabbix } from the Network tab, the existing Zabbix settings should be automatically imported. Then click { Save Settings } in the Zabbix sub-tab to save them. Finally edit your user.conf file via { Edit User Variables } from the Network tab and remove all Zabbix variable definitions, and click { Save Changes } . 2) Network and Edit tabs allow Stunnel Proxy to be Restarted. Note: Revision 5654 is required for Zabbix 2.0 support. [Version 1.8.14] 1) Firewall sub-tab, add support for "Pass LAN->EXT" and "Pass DMZ->EXT" actions. 2) Firewall sub-tab, add support for LAN->EXT and DMZ->EXT Default Policy support. Note: Revision 5617 is required for Firewall Default Policy support. [Version 1.8.13] 1) Add suport for Universal Plug'n'Play: * Status tab shows "Universal Plug'n'Play Leases" section when the miniupnpd daemon is enabled. * Network tab allows "Universal Plug'n'Play" to be enabled and restarted. * Edit tab allows "Universal Plug'n'Play" to be restarted. Note: Revision 5596 is required for Universal Plug'n'Play support. [Version 1.8.12] 1) A new MeetMe tab has been added, hidden by default. The Prefs tab allows the tab to be shown, as well as MeetMe Tab Options... Redirect Path: context,extension,priority ___ Display channel values in MeetMe Tab Note: For the Redirect action to operate, the Asterisk manager.conf must allow "call" permissions for the [webinterface] user. [Version 1.8.11] 1) OpenVPN Server sub-tab, add Certificate + User/Pass auth support. Note: Revision 5535 is required for OpenVPN User/Pass auth support. [Version 1.8.10] 1) Network tab, add DNS Service Type: pairNIC Note: Revision 5522 is required for pairNIC Dynamic DNS support. [Version 1.8.09] 1) IPsec Mobile sub-tab, add IPsec Mobile XAuth support. IPsec VPN for Apple iOS & OS X http://doc.astlinux.org/userdoc:tt_ipsec_vpn_apple_ios Note: Revision 5516 is required for the IPsec XAuth support. [Version 1.8.08] 1) Firewall sub-tab, for [ NAT EXT->LAN ] and [ NAT EXT->DMZ ] actions, allow to restrict the NAT to a single IPv4 external address. When an IPv4 address is defined NAT EXT: |_________| in the NAT EXT: text field, only packets arriving on the external interface with that destination IPv4 address will be NAT'ed by the rule. This feature allows multiple public IPv4 addresses to be individually NAT'ed to private internal addresses by port or range of ports. The default value, 0/0 (or empty), remains as previous, any packet arriving on the external interface will be NAT'ed by the rule. 2) Firewall sub-tab, the Protocol menu now includes an ICMP entry, useful when NAT'ing. Note that all ICMP types will be allowed. [Version 1.8.07] 1) Prefs tab and CDR Log tab, add support for "uniqueid" CDR value. 2) Prefs tab and Speed Dial tab, add support for "00 to 999" digits. [Version 1.8.06] 1) Prefs tab and System tab, if the Repository URL: has not been defined (initial configuration), the default value will be based on the installed Asterisk version. 2) Status tab, DAHDI Status can display Sangoma status commands "wanrouter status" or "wanrouter summary" if defined in Prefs tab -> DAHDI Status Command 3) Network tab, added support for LOCALDNS_LOCAL_DOMAIN variable, "Local Domain". 4) Network tab, added "Test SMTP Mail Relay" sub-tab located by "Outbound SMTP Mail Relay:" The "To Email:" and "From Email:" addresses may be specifed, defaults to existing settings. The test email does not use the mail queue, any error results are displayed. Note: Revision 5427 is required for the testmail support. [Version 1.8.05] 1) Status tab, add "Jabber Status" section. Enabled via Prefs tab "Show Jabber Status". [Version 1.8.04] 1) Add Copyright notice for iLBC CODEC, and update overall Copyright to 2012. [Version 1.8.03] 1) Added "CLI Tab", Show/Hide in Prefs tab. Requires 'admin' permissions. The new Network tab option "CLI Proxy Server" must be enabled for the CLI tab to function. If it is prefered to have the "shellinabox" in a new windows, use the Prefs tab "External CLI Link" option and define it to 'https://localhost/admin/cli/'. When exiting the browser page when the CLI session is active, a dialog is displayed to ask whether the user really wants to leave and kill the CLI session. Note: Revision 5280 is required for the shellinaboxd support. 2) Network tab, added support for HTTP_ACCESSLOG and HTTPS_ACCESSLOG variables. [Version 1.8.02] 1) Prefs tab, new option General Options -> External CLI Link. When defined with a URL, typically something like "ssh://root@pbx", a "CLI" link will appear at the upper-rightmost of all pages with 'admin' privileges. A special case, a host of '@localhost' will be replaced with the same host as the web interface. Note: Not all browsers on all operating systems support the ssh:// URL type. 2) Status tab, Hardware Monitoring, don't strip leading spaces for proper layout. 3) Prefs tab, System & Staff Tab Options -> System Reboot Timer: has more 'decrease by' values to support faster boxes. [Version 1.8.01] 1) Edit tab, Active DNSmasq Leases file, "/mnt/kd/dnsmasq.leases" may be editied. 2) Edit tab, Stop Shell Script, "/mnt/kd/rc.local.stop" may be editied. 3) Status tab, updated "Show Licenses" information. 4) Prefs and System tab, make "http://mirror.astlinux.org/ast18-firmware-1.x" the default Repository URL. [Version 1.7.30] 1) Status and Network tab, Restart PPPoE uses "/usr/sbin/pppoe-restart" if available. [Version 1.7.29] 1) Include the "/mnt/kd/ssh_keys/" directory in a Basic Configuration Backup. [Version 1.7.28] 1) Add support for APC UPS Monitoring and Shutdown. The Status tab displays info and recent UPS events. The Prefs tab may hide the Status tab section if desired. The Network tab adds a "APC UPS Monitoring & Shutdown" section to configure options. If the file "/mnt/kd/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf" exists a { UPS Configuration } button will be displayed instead to manually edit the configuration. Optionally, an email notification will be sent to the addresses in the 'Notify Email Addresses To' space separated list. If 'Notify Email Address From' is defined the notifications will have the corresponding From: header, otherwise the header will be automatically generated. Note: A USB configuration requires an empty "Device:" field. 2) Network and Edit tabs, add "Restart UPS Daemon" in the Restart menu. 3) Include the "/mnt/kd/apcupsd/" directory in a Basic Configuration Backup. 4) Restart processes now uses the 'service' command. Note: Revision 5014 is required for the apcupsd support. [Version 1.7.27] 1) Edit tab adds support for editing "/etc/asterisk/includes/*.conf" files. [Version 1.7.26] 1) Edit tab adds support for editing Firewall Custom Rules in the file "/mnt/kd/arno-iptables-firewall/custom-rules". 2) After the upgrade to lighttpd and fastcgi PHP, it is now unnecessary to call some shell commands with 'nice -n -10' for the proper process priority. [Version 1.7.25] 1) Users tab, honors a new Prefs tab -> "Users Tab Options": ___ Hide Passwords for Voicemail Users Mailboxes When checked, mailbox passwords are not displayed in the Users tab list. 2) System tab and Edit tab adds support for viewing/editing files in "/mnt/kd/docs/". The AstLinux system does not use these files, but is intended for general and site-specific documentation added by the administrator. [Version 1.7.24] 1) Network tab, "Safe Asterisk & SIP Monitoring" (previously "Safe Asterisk") adds the following: Monitor SIP Trunks: |___| Monitor SIP Peers: |___| A "SIP FAILURE" email will be generated when a trunk/peer goes offline and a "SIP OK" email will be generated after all trunks/peers return online. Monitor SIP Status Emails following SIP Failure Email: [ disabled/enabled ] When enabled, any trunk/peer status change will generate an email until the "SIP OK" email. -- Example: Status tab, SIP Trunk Registrations: chiv1.voippath.com:5060 xxxx 135 Registered Sat, 21 May 2011 10:21:11 inbound18.bigtel.net:5060 xxxx 45 Registered Sat, 21 May 2011 10:22:42 Monitor SIP Trunks: | chiv1.voippath.com inbound18.bigtel.net | -- -- Example: Status tab, SIP Peer Status: voippath/homer-simpson 64.x.x.xx 5060 OK (67 ms) bigtel-inbound/homer1 64.x.x.xx 5060 Unmonitored bigtel-outbound/homer1 64.x.x.xx 5060 OK (42 ms) Monitor SIP Peers: | voippath bigtel-outbound | -- Note: Only peers with qualify=yes may be monitored. Note: Revision 4952 is required for the SIP Monitoring support. [Version 1.7.23] 1) Network tab, allow passwords for PPPoE, SMTP and Dynamic DNS to contain special characters which will be properly escaped for all the levels down to the rc.conf config file. [Version 1.7.22] 1) Status tab, add "DAHDI Status" section. Enabled via Prefs tab "Show DAHDI Status". 2) Status tab, add "Hardware Monitoring" section. Enabled via Prefs tab "Show Hardware Monitoring". 3) Prefs tab, add "Show Active Channels" option (previously always enabled). [Version 1.7.21] 1) System tab, added support for Russian core sound files. [Version 1.7.20] 1) Follow-Me Tab, bug fix related to the switch to lighttpd web server. "Save Changes" with no Dial Numbers selected would display garbage/errors on the screen. [Version 1.7.19] 1) Prefs tab, in the "Voicemail & Monitor Tab Options" -> "Play WAV audio recordings" two additional options are added, as well as more descriptive labels. [ as a download - HTTP/HTTPS ] [ in HTML4 browser - HTTP/HTTPS ] [ in HTML4 browser - HTTP only ] [ in HTML5 browser - HTTP/HTTPS ] [ in HTML5 browser - HTTP only ] The "HTTP/HTTPS" entries are the previous values, where the audio is played with the same connection type as the session connection type. The "HTTP only" entries are a new feature, where the audio is played only on a HTTP connection, regardless of the session connection type. This feature is very useful for iOS devices where audio playback is not currently supported over HTTPS. For this to work, in the Network tab, both HTTP and HTTPS Server Directories must point to the web interface for the session type to be HTTPS and audio playback on HTTP. [Version 1.7.18] 1) Network tab, FTP Server, only allow "disabled" and "enabled" (via vsftpd standalone). 2) Network tab, TFTP Server, only allow "disabled" and "enabled" (via dnsmasq). Note: Corresponding to Revisions 4861 and 4864. [Version 1.7.17] 1) Internal changes to support lighttpd with fastcgi PHP. 2) Network and Edit tabs, remove "Restart HTTP & HTTPS" in the Restart menu added in 1.7.03 to work with lighttpd where PHP and web are coupled more than with mini_httpd. 3) Edit tab, support editing of /mnt/kd/lighttpd.conf if it exists. 4) Network tab, add HTTP/HTTPS _x_ Allow Listing for HTTP_LISTING and HTTPS_LISTING variables. Removed deprecated HTTP/HTTPS user permissions. Note: Revision 4847 is required for the lighttpd support. [Version 1.7.16] 1) Added custom tab support by moving access rights specification to each tab rather than in header.php . To add a tab, for example "Wakeup" at /admin/wakeup.php, manually edit the "webgui-prefs.txt" preferences file and add the line: custom_tab_list_cmdstr = "/admin/wakeup.php,Wakeup" Multiple tab specifications are separated by a ~ (tilde) on the same line, eg: custom_tab_list_cmdstr = "/admin/wakeup.php,Wakeup~/admin/configure.php,Configure" Optionally, a third comma separated parameter can be "staff" or "admin" indicating the scope of when the tab should be displayed. By default the scope is "all". For example if the "Wakeup" custom tab was to only be displayed for staff or admin access rights: custom_tab_list_cmdstr = "/admin/wakeup.php,Wakeup,staff" Same example, but display for admin access rights only: custom_tab_list_cmdstr = "/admin/wakeup.php,Wakeup,admin" Note: Custom Tab support is a Very Advanced User feature. [Version 1.7.15] 1) Added PPTP VPN sub-tab to the Network tab VPN Type. Various other tweaks for PPTP VPN support. Note: Revision 4782 is required for the pptpd support. [Version 1.7.14] 1) phone-dir.php script, added search support, particularly for Yealink Phones - Rob Hillis 2) phone-dir.php script, added XML directory support for Snom Phones - Micheal Keuter [Version 1.7.13] 1) Network tab, added 'Safe Asterisk' support. When enabled, asterisk automatically restarts on a crash. Optionally, on a crash an email notification will be sent to the addresses in the 'Notify Email Addresses To' space separated list. If 'Notify Email Address From' is defined the notifications will have the corresponding From: header, otherwise the header will be automatically generated. Note: Revision 4723 is required for 'Safe Asterisk' support. 2) Edit tab adds support for editing the /mnt/kd/ast-crash script, which gets called if 'Safe Asterisk' is enabled and asterisk crashes. [Version 1.7.12] 1) System tab, added 'RUNNIX Bootloader Upgrade' support. [Version 1.7.11] 1) Status tab, DHCP Leases, added Vendor information derived from the MAC address if available. Note: Revision 4709 is required for the mac2vendor support. [Version 1.7.10] 1) phone-dir.php script, added XML directory support for Yealink Phones - Rob Hillis [Version 1.7.09] 1) Status tab, add "Runnix Release:" information [Version 1.7.08] 1) Network tab, add DNS Service Type: DNS-O-Matic Note: Revision 4648 is required for DNS-O-Matic support. [Version 1.7.07] 1) IPsec new features, added IPsec Mobile sub-tab and "IPsec Mobile" to Network tab VPN Type. The IPsec Peers sub-tab now supports certificates with a new layout. Note: Revision 4645 is required for the IPsec new features support. [Version 1.7.06] 1) Status tab, properly display IPv6 addresses in the "IPsec Associations" section. [Version 1.7.05] 1) Edit tab adds support for /mnt/kd/sshd.conf and System tab views /etc/ssh/sshd_config. 2) System tab and Staff tab, Configuration/File Backup, when including unionfs files, the asterisk sounds and moh files will not be included in the backup. [Version 1.7.04] 1) Status tab adds a "Show Licenses" link to the new Licenses sub-tab. The AstLinux license as well as many of the packages used in AstLinux are listed. [Version 1.7.03] 1) Network and Edit tabs, add "Restart HTTP & HTTPS" in the Restart menu. Note: requires at least 0.7.4 or SVN r4565 [Version 1.7.02] 1) System tab, added support for English (Australian Accent) core sound files, english-au. [Version 1.7.01] 1) Network and Edit tabs, add "Restart IPv6 Autoconfig" in the Restart menu. [Version 1.7.00] 1) Status tab, compress IPv6 addresses, add 6to4 IP type and cosmetics 2) DNS Forwarder Hosts sub-tab, allow IPv6 addresses and cosmetics 3) Network tab, add IPv6 support for External and Internal interfaces, add IPv6 tunnel support and filter sit0 and ip6tun interfaces from the interface menu. 4) Firewall sub-tab, add IPv6 support, add protocol support for 6to4 (41) and ICMPv6 (58). Two new Actions's are added: a) Pass EXT->LAN - allow IPv6 or non-NAT IPv4 to be routed to any LAN interface. b) Pass EXT->DMZ - allow IPv6 or non-NAT IPv4 to be routed to the DMZ interface. Two new options are added: _x_ Allow IPv6 ICMPv6 on External (EXT) Interface ___ Log Denied attempts to forward packets [Version 1.6.23] 1) OpenVPN Server and OpenVPN Client sub-tabs, very minor layout tweak. [Version 1.6.22] 1) OpenVPN Server and OpenVPN Client sub-tabs, add the "QoS Passthrough" option. When 'Yes', the QoS field of the payload packet will be copied to the tunnel packet. This uses the 'passtos' OpenVPN option. Note: the OVPN_QOS and OVPNC_QOS variables must be supported in the image, r4297 and beyond. [Version 1.6.21] 1) Diable colorization when calling asterisk commands via the shell. This only applies when the Prefs tab option... __ Disable Asterisk Manager Interface for Asterisk Commands is checked. [Version 1.6.20] 1) Firewall tab, no interface changes, but the IGMP_LOG variable is defined for future versions of Arno's Firewall script. [Version 1.6.19] 1) A new Prefs tab option, under "Directory Tab Options:" ___ Require Authentication for Directory Tab When unchecked (the default), anyone can view the Directory tab. When checked, only authenticated users can view the Directory tab. Authenticated users include "admin", "staff" and "NNNN" (numbered user). [Version 1.6.18] 1) Add small, transparent AstLinux logo to all pages. Custom branding can be achieved by replacing the logo in common/logo-small.gif which must be width="113" height="23", or it will be scaled to that. Custom GIF's with white backgrounds should be made transparent for best results. [Version 1.6.17] 1) Prefs tab, the previous "Play WAV recordings in browser rather than download" has been changed to "Play WAV audio recordings:" with options, 'as download', 'in HTML4 browser', and 'in HTML5 browser'. The HTML5 selection wraps the inline HTML4 code with the a HTML5 tag. When the HTML5 selection is chosen, and the browser does not support the HTML5 audio tag, fallback to HTML4 is performed. 2) Voicemail tab, if both .wav (PCM) and .WAV (GSM) voicemail files are created, the better quality and more commonly supported .wav (PCM) file will be played. 3) Prefs tab, the "Distinguished Name" section adds 'Country', 'State/Province', and 'Locality' Name entries. This effects future certificates that are created. If the entries are empty, default values of C=US, ST=Nebraska, L=Omaha will be used. 4) Network and Edit tab, the {Reboot/Restart} and {Reload/Restart} buttons have a new menu item [ Restart SMTP Mail ]. When acted upon, the SMTP settings will be applied without requiring a reboot. Note: This requires Mail Queue support (msmtpqueue) in the base image, trunk-3901 and later. [Version 1.6.16] 1) Network tab adds SMTP Encryption support via TLS/STARTTLS and SSL/SMTP. TLS/STARTTLS, commonly TCP port 587 SSL/SMTP, commonly TCP port 465 Note: the SMTP_STARTTLS variable must be supported in the image, r3885 and beyond. 2) System tab, if a backup download fails, a more informative error message is displayed. [Version 1.6.15] 1) CDR Log tab optionally supports a Database: [Master.csv] pop-up list of all *.csv files in the same directory as the "CDR Log Path" defined in the Prefs tab. A new Pref tab option: ___ Show multiple *.csv CDR Databases in CDR Log Path must be checked for this feature to be enabled. Additionally, more than one *.csv file must exist for the Database: pop-up list to be displayed. With this feature, the Master.csv database can be rotated monthly or yearly via a CRON job, placing files such as Master-2009.csv in the same directory as the Master.csv . Then using the CDR Log tab the saved *.csv files can be easily viewed. 2) For applications where altweb is used on non-AstLinux based systems, if the file /etc/astlinux-no exists, AstLinux specific checks will be skipped. [Version 1.6.14] 1) Status tab shows a notice if Asterisk is running and no core sound files are installed. 2) Status tab shows a notice if persistent file storage is not configured. [Version 1.6.13] 1) System tab adds the "Asterisk Sounds Packages" section where sounds and moh sound packages may be upgraded/installed or removed. The Sounds Pkg URL used to retrieve the files can be defined in the Prefs tab. The script "upgrade-asterisk-sounds" is used to do the work. [Version 1.6.12] 1) Increase the reboot timer duration for setup.php Step 1, extra margin to always allow an automatic reload of the browser. [Version 1.6.11] 1) The Voicemail and Monitor tab XHTML code to play audio files inline in the browser has been tweaked. IE now uses the Windows Media Player. The size of the audio/x-wav object have been increased to allow for the various player plugin skins. [Version 1.6.10] 1) Support Asterisk file extensions.lua, editing (Edit tab) and viewing (System tab). [Version 1.6.09] 1) Explicitly set the timezone from the system, without it this will cause a problem with PHP 5.3.x . [Version 1.6.08] 1) Added two Prefs tab options for the Status tab, "Hide SRC Ports:" and "Hide DST Ports:". When "Show Firewall States" is enabled, any defined Source (SRC) or Destination (DST) ports will not be displayed. Multiple ports are separated with a space character. [Version 1.6.07] 1) Fix a CDR Log tab issue when the Master.csv "${CDR(lastdata)}" field contains a comma ',' . Possibly only an asterisk 1.6 problem, where '|'s existed in asterisk before 1.6, ','s are now used in asterisk 1.6. The fix should work for all versions of asterisk. [Version 1.6.06] 1) The webgui-staff-backup.log file from Version 1.6.05 has been renamed webgui-staff-activity.log for a more general implementation. For a 'staff' user, a Backup, Reboot or Shutdown will be logged to the /mnt/kd/webgui-staff-activity.log file. [Version 1.6.05] 1) Added a "Staff" main tab which appears when authenticated as user 'staff'. A few of the System tab features are available. A Prefs Tab option can disable this feature. A) Configuration/File Backup: Only the 'full' backup type is available (All /mnt/kd files), The backup temporary file automatically uses /mnt/kd/ instead of /tmp/, overriding the Prefs tab option. This option is disabled by default, unless the file /mnt/kd/webgui-staff-backup.conf exists, and has 6 or more characters. A good way to generate the file is as follows: $ openssl rand -base64 33 > /mnt/kd/webgui-staff-backup.conf This /mnt/kd/webgui-staff-backup.conf file is used as the password for encrypting the resulting backup archive, using openssl aes-256-cbc . Decrypt the resulting .aes file with the command below and the password... $ openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in voip-full-...tar.gz.aes -out voip-full-...tar.gz When a 'staff' user creates a backup, a message is logged to syslog, and a line is appended to the file /mnt/kd/webgui-staff-backup.log . Both webgui-staff-backup{.conf, .log} files will be automatically set with 0600 permissions. B) Reboot/Restart System: same as in the System tab. C) System Shutdown/Halt: same as in the System tab. 2) Added a "System Shutdown/Halt" feature. The web interface requires a double confirmation to absolutely make sure this is desired. Note: A net4801 or wrap with watchdog enabled will unexpectedly restart after 60 seconds. [Version 1.6.04] 1) Status tab, added a workaround for IE7 to properly display scrollbars in text sections. [Version 1.6.03] 1) Firewall sub-tab, add more descriptive error messages when a firewall restart returns with an error. [Version 1.6.02] 1) System tab, a reboot can be scheduled within the next 24 hours. If a reboot is scheduled the Status tab shows REBOOT SCHEDULED. A scheduled reboot can be canceled by choosing Cancel as the reboot time. [Version 1.6.01] 1) Add support for /mnt/kd/rc.ledcontrol, Edit tab, and System tab basic backup. [Version 1.6.00] 1) Major version bump to correspond to new 0.7 branch. 2) Status tab, NTP Peer States, now uses 'ntpq -pn' to reduce the execution time. [Version 1.5.48] 1) dialproxy.php script added. The purpose is to trigger a call by first dialing a selected extension, when answered, the script completes and an outgoing call is initiated to the num= number. The actionlist "DIALPROXY-value" key is used to define the extension and options. Typical uses: $ curl "http://pbx/dialproxy.php?num=2223334444&ext=value" $ curl --insecure "https://pbx/dialproxy.php?num=2223334444&ext=value" The num= number is the outbound call phone number. The ext= value is a label that references a key in the asterisk "astdb" database. The actionlist key "DIALPROXY-value" must be defined, the required data is the initial phone extension to dial, such as SIP/1234 . Additionally, tilde '~' separated options of context=default timeout=30 callerid= localcallerid= dialprefix= allow= can be omitted, or defined in any order. The [webinterface] manager.conf context must contain read = command,call,originate write = command,call,originate A typical application would allow an Address Book to support a link, when clicked, to dial the phone number via a selected extension. --- OS X "Address Book" example, (Thanks Michael Keuter) --- --- Saved as "~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/DialProxy-office.scpt" --- using terms from application "Address Book" -- URL for AstLinux DialProxy property dialproxyUrl : "https://pbx/dialproxy.php" -- specify extension in actionlist DIALPROXY-key property myExtension : "office" on action property return "phone" end action property on action title for thePerson with phoneNumber return (value of phoneNumber as string) & " via " & myExtension end action title on should enable action for thePerson with phoneNumber return true end should enable action on perform action for thePerson with phoneNumber set myNumber to (value of phoneNumber as string) -- cleanup the phone number set myNumber to do shell script "echo '" & myNumber & "' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'" -- generate URL for AstLinux DialProxy set dialUrl to dialproxyUrl set dialUrl to dialUrl & "?num=" & myNumber set dialUrl to dialUrl & "&ext=" & myExtension -- call URL using "curl" do shell script "curl --insecure '" & dialUrl & "' >/dev/null" end perform action end using terms from --- 2) System tab, when the 'admin' password is changed, a warning is logged to syslog. [Version 1.5.47] 1) Status tab, Firewall States, behind the scenes, the nf_conntrack file is used rather than the older ip_conntrack file. No change should be visible from the Status tab. 2) Actionlist tab, allow better handling of long data strings. [Version 1.5.46] 1) Edit tab and System (View) tab supports the file '/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules' labeled as 'Net Interface Rules' 2) Status tab, display sections that contain tables, a superfluous line is eliminated. [Version 1.5.45] 1) Status tab, Firewall States consolidates multiple states with the same src_addr, dst_addr, dst_port and protocol. These states will be displayed using the data with the largest TTL, and the total number of matching states will be displayed under the Source Port (#'s) column as (n). 2) Status tab, increase max number of processed firewall states from 100 to 500. Limit Status tab display to 100 states, sorted by byte count. [Version 1.5.44] 1) Change asterisk CLI commands defaults to 1.4 and 1.6 compatible formats. 2) Prefs tab, the "Asterisk Manager Interface" is now the default, so the checkitem is now ___ Disable Asterisk Manager Interface for Asterisk Commands Unchecked by default, previous saved settings will be properly used. [Version 1.5.43] 1) Firewall sub-tab, a rule protocol type of TCP/UDP adds both a TCP and UDP firewall command while using a single firewall rule. 2) Firewall sub-tab, with Action's NAT EXT->LAN and NAT EXT->DMZ, the source upper port range can be specified. 1.8.x Arno scripts did not support this, but currently does. [Version 1.5.42] 1) Use the new script, check-default-passwd to determine if the system root password needs to be changed from the well known default. [Version 1.5.41] 1) IPsec Configuration sub-tab supports the new IPSEC_PSK_ASSOCIATIONS v2 format. The previous IPSEC_PSK_ASSOCIATIONS v1 format will be automatically imported. [Version 1.5.40] 1) The CDR Log tab does not create Caller*ID tab CID-num links for a 'staff' user when the Caller*ID tab is hidden. The 'admin' user will see the Caller*ID tab links regardless if the Caller*ID tab is hidden. 2) A significant security feature, when the System tab is used to set the web interface 'admin' password for the first time, if the system 'root' password has not been changed from it's default, both the web interface 'admin' and the system 'root' password will be set to the same password. After the system 'root' password has been changed, the web interface will not change it again. The system 'root' passsword can be changed to a different password if desired by using "passwd" via the ssh/console shell. [Version 1.5.39] 1) The CDR Log tab parses the CDR(clid) into the CID Name and CID Number such that if both are not defined, both fields will display the same data. 2) The CDR Log tab CID Number column looks for values begining with '+' and generates a link to the Caller*ID tab just as a pure number would. [Version 1.5.38] 1) Integrate the CDR Log tab to the Caller*ID tab by adding links in the CID Number column to the Caller*ID tab. Only numbers matching the number format in the Prefs tab will be linked. 2) Integrate the Caller*ID tab to the Blacklist and Whitelist tabs by adding Blacklist:NUM and Whitelist:NUM links to the respective tabs. If a CID Name is defined, it will be used as a comment in the Blacklist/Whitelist tabs. Note: The style sheet has changed so a clean reload may be required by your browser. [Version 1.5.37] 1) The Blacklist, Whitelist and Actionlist tabs add a "Comment" field. The asterisk astdb families of blacklistcomment, whitelistcomment, and actionlistcomment (respectively) store the comment data. 2) The Caller*ID, Blacklist, Whitelist and Actionlist tabs allow data to be edited by clicking on the number/key. 3) The monospace font was changed to use "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" (or "Lucida Console"). Bitstream Vera TrueType Fonts: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/ttf-bitstream-vera/1.10/ 4) Many tweaks to the style.css style sheet. Note: The style sheet has changed so a clean reload may be required by your browser. [Version 1.5.36] 1) Add Prefs tab option "System Reboot Timer" with menu option, [ decrease by 40 secs ] to [ increase by 80 secs ] in 11 steps. The current default reboot time is 150 secs, net4801/wrap is 170 secs. [Version 1.5.35] 1) Firewall sub-tab adds an optional "Comment" field for firewall rules. [Version 1.5.34] 1) Added Actionlist Tab. The asterisk astdb database is used with family "actionlist". 'admin' and 'staff' users can access the Actionlist tab. The Prefs tab adds an "Actionlist Tab Options" section allowing the key format, error string and action menu to be specified. The Action Menu, tilde-separated-list assigns astdb values of 0, 1, 2 ... 9 in the same order of the list. If an Action Menu item begins with a hyphen '-', that menu item will be disabled and not counted as an index. In this menu item, all occurrences of '-' will be replaced with — . The Actionlist tab is a more general variation of the Blacklist and Whitelist tabs, requiring asterisk support via the extensions.conf dialplan. [Version 1.5.33] 1) CDR Log tab has a minor change to combine the load size and page size on one line. 2) Almost every tab was changed to add a text style of a 9pt proportional-width font. Every occurrence of a 10pt constant-width bold font is replaced with a bold version of the 9pt proportional-width font. Additionally, occurrences of a 10pt constant-width font in the top dialog portion of each tab is changed to the 9pt proportional-width font. Note: The style sheet has changed so a clean reload may be required by your browser. [Version 1.5.32] 1) CDR Log tab has been redesigned to support multiple 'pages' that can easily be viewed. The number of most recent CDR records to view and page size can be defined. Currently up to 5000 records may be viewed, 5x greater than previously. Click the previous_1_2...n_next to navigation the pages. Click the header titles to sort the column in ascending order, except for the time and duration columns which are sorted in descending order. The default is sorted by the time. A special thanks to David Kerr for contributing code and ideas for multiple page support. Note: The style sheet has changed so a clean reload may be required by your browser. [Version 1.5.31] 1) Status tab sections now have a scroll bar if the pre-formatted text extends beyond the width of the window. A style sheet change accomplishes this, so a browser reload may be necessary to reload the new style sheet. 2) Status tab, NTP Peer States, now uses ntpq -pn [Version 1.5.30] 1) Add support for a /mnt/kd/dahdi directory, Edit tab, and System tab backups. 2) System tab view file adds /etc/dahdi/*.conf support. [Version 1.5.29] 1) Firewall sub-tab adds support for allowing LAN to LAN traffic for selected internal interfaces. This feature requires trunk-2934 or later. [Version 1.5.28] 1) Replace occurrences of ereg() with preg_match() since ereg() is deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 . [Version 1.5.27] 1) Revert all recent IPsec additions back through 1.5.21. Back in sync with trunk. [Version 1.5.26] 1) Prefs tab adds "Distinguished Name" section to override the automatic values when creating certificates. [Version 1.5.25] 1) IPsec sub-tabs no longer reflects what is in trunk, due to "creative differences" this may or may not ever get resolved. The IPsec sub-tabs properly works with the 'lonnie' branch. 2) Filter "dummy" interfaces if they exist. 3) The IPsec Mobile sub-tab adds NAT-T 'force' option, adds an optional Static Routes option, and allow the log level of 'racoon' to be specified. 4) Fixed a small bug in the Status tab for the IPsec Associations display when NAT-T is active. 5) IPsec Mobile sub-tab adds support for PFS Group of 'none'. [Version 1.5.24] 1) The Status tab, pick through the setkey cruft to display the IPsec Associations in a simple table format. 2) The Status tab, OpenVPN Client/Server sections can now be hidden via a Prefs tab option. [Version 1.5.23] 1) The Status tab now includes an "IPsec Associations" section if IPsec is enabled. The display can be disabled via the Prefs tab. [Version 1.5.22] 1) In the IPsec Mobile sub-tab, added units to the P1/P2 Lifetimes. [Version 1.5.21] 1) IPsec Mobile Server support added. 2) Basic backup and restore now includes the /mnt/kd/ipsec directory. 3) Starting with r2752 the web interface source is directly included within the AstLinux SVN. The altweb-update.tar.gz and altweb.tar.gz files will continue to be maintained here. [Version 1.5.20] 1) Minor tweaks in the text. Nothing more. [Version 1.5.19] 1) The OpenVPN server credentials adds the PKCS#12 container format, combining the three client .crt and .key files into one additional password protected .p12 file. 2) The OpenVPN server credentials adds a README.txt file documenting the credential files. The automatically generated password to the PKCS#12 file is contained in the README.txt file. Note: As previously, keep the credentials.zip file secure. [Version 1.5.17] 1) Network tab adds support for Dynamic DNS "DNS Get IP Address". AstLinux uses a patched version of inadyn that optionally supports obtaining the public IP address from the external interface. The default method remains querying getip.krisk.org . Note: r2671 is required to support this feature. 2) The "ZoneEdit [generic]" has been removed since it is no longer required to work around an inadyn problem. The ZoneEdit item should work for all ZoneEdit users. [Version 1.5.15] 1) Status tab now displays the external "IP Address:" in all cases, previously only addresses obtained via DHCP were displayed. [Version 1.5.14] 1) Network tab now supports the selection of either [DNS & DHCP] or [DNS only] for each internal network. This applies to internal networks with interfaces defined. [Version 1.5.13] 1) Status tab detects if DHCP is enabled before showing DHCP Leases. This supports the new feature where dnsmasq is always enabled, not always serving DHCP. [Version 1.5.12] 1) Add Edit tab support for /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf [Version 1.5.11] 1) The Edit tab now groups the editable files in three sections, System Configuration, Asterisk Configuration and Firewall Plugins. 2) The Edit tab now supports editing /etc/rc.modules via unionfs. [Version 1.5.10] 1) The Network tab now supports the Arno firewall with a single, external interface. The firewall can now be enabled or disabled, regardless of the number of internal interfaces. [Version 1.5.09] 1) The "core" backup set in the System tab has been replaced with the "basic" "Basic Configuration files" backup set. Essentually any file the web interface can create or edit is included in the "Basic Configuration files" basic backup set. 2) The System tab has a new option "Restore Basic Configuration". Any Backup download that is 8 MBytes or smaller can be used to restore the configuration. The restored files located in /mnt/kd include: a) rc.conf.d/ directory b) asterisk/ directory c) openvpn/ directory d) crontabs/ directory e) ssl/ directory f) arno-iptables-firewall/plugins/ directory g) astdb webgui-prefs.txt blocked-hosts dnsmasq.static rc.local rc.elocal hosts ethers, files h) *.conf, files Simply, if the Web Interface can either create or edit a file, that file is included in the "Basic Configuration". Web authentication passwords would be an exception, and not incuded. Additionally, "arno-iptables-firewall/plugins" (*.conf files) are also included in "Basic Configuration files", though currently not restored. Note: Revision trunk-2626 is required, adding the restore-basic-conf script. 3) The Edit tab now allows the crontabs/root cron job file to be edited (if it exists). Additionally, the "Reload/Restart" menu allows "Reload Cron for root" which applies any edits at the top of the minute. [Version 1.5.06] 1) The Firewall sub-tab has a new option "Log Denied non-TCP/UDP/ICMP attempts". [Version 1.5.05] 1) Style sheet tweaks for OpenVPN textarea's. A force reload in the browser may be required to obtain the new style sheet. [Version 1.5.04] 1) A new OpenVPN Client sub-tab has been added to the Network tab. Both OpenVPN client and server are now fully supported in the web interface. 2) The reboot countdown time now queries the 'astlinux' architecture type to determine the number of seconds it takes to safely reboot. [Version 1.5.03] 1) Status tab now shows OpenVPN Client Status. 2) OpenVPN Server sub-tab now supports multi-line OVPN_OTHER and OVPN_PUSH. 3) setup.php reboot countdown is increased by 30 seconds to compensate for the ssh keys that are generated before unionfs is active. [Version 1.5.02] 1) Fix a problem restarting Arno's firewall. [Version 1.5.01] 1) More legacy support removal. [Version 1.5.00] 1) First version to require AstLinux 0.7, legacy support is removed. ================ [Version 1.4.07] 1) Final version to officially support Astlinux 0.4.3 through 0.6.X. 2) Backported 1.5.02 change when calling complicated scripts via PHP. [Version 1.4.06] 1) The System tab "View System Files" now includes OpenVPN logs. [Version 1.4.05] 1) The Network tab Timezone now offers a list of major cities to select from, and as previously, user defined entries not in the list can be specified. Starting with 0.7 (trunk-2589) the TZ Timezone Rule is optional, when not specified the rule is extracted from the timezone data, for most all timezones. As previously, a full restart is required for any change in the timezone to be applied. [Version 1.4.04] 1) The CDR Log tab now sorts the "Date - Time" column in descending order, no longer assuming the Master.csv file is sorted. [Version 1.4.03] 1) Tagged to AstLinux 0.6.4 2) Interface tweak to the /admin/setup.php script. 3) The Edit tab now recognizes /mnt/kd/rc.local and /mnt/kd/rc.elocal startup scripts. 4) Status tab now displays the DNS using the more interesting file, /etc/resolv-extern.conf if it exists, instead of /etc/resolv.conf. An 0.7 feature. [Version 1.4.02] 1) A new "Upgrade/Restart Firewall" button will be enabled in the Firewall sub-tab when the firewall support files are out of date. [Version 1.4.01] 1) A "staff" user is now able to view files in /var/log and /var/log/asterisk. There is no direct link in the interface unless the Prefs tab "External URL Link" is used to specify the link. For example: https://localhost/admin/view.php?file=/var/log/messages [Version 1.4.00] 1) Status tab now displays the DNS using the more interesting file, /tmp/etc/resolv-up.conf if it exists, instead of /etc/resolv.conf . (see 1.4.03) [Version 1.3.27] 1) Tagged to AstLinux 0.6.3 2) Changed favicon.ico to reflect the AstLinux project. [Version 1.3.26] 1) The Status tab now contains a "Firewall States" section, hidden by default. Up to 100 active firewall states are displayed. The Prefs tab has a new option "Show Firewall States" that can be checked to enable this feature in the Status tab. The "Firewall States" display filters out localhost ( states as well as IP Protocols other than ICMP, TCP, UDP, GRE, ESP and AH. 2) The "DHCP Leases" in the Status tab are now sorted by IP address. [Version 1.3.25] 1) Restart Firewall with "restart" instead of "stop" and "start". [Version 1.3.24] 1) The Network -> OpenVPN sub-tab adds a feature to disable a client, even with a valid cert/key. Note: Revision trunk-2441 or 0.6-2442 (or later) is required to properly reject a disabled client where the OVPN_VALIDCLIENTS variable is supported. [Version 1.3.23] 1) Added a javascript alert to the OpenVPN sub-tab when the dh1024.pem needs to be generated, explaining how long it can take, and explaining what to do if the browser times-out. [Version 1.3.22] 1) Added "Block All Traffic by Host/CIDR" section to the Network -> Firewall sub-tab. Single hosts or a range of hosts in CIDR notation can be specified. The hosts can be specified in the "Block Host/CIDR" field and/or use the file /mnt/kd/blocked-hosts, one entry per line. [Version 1.3.21] 1) The v1.3.20 Firewall sub-tab option "Allow OpenVPN tunnel to..." is now more general, permitting 1st, 2nd, or 3rd LAN Interface to be selected. [Version 1.3.20] 1) The Firewall sub-tab has a new option "Allow OpenVPN tunnel to 1st LAN Interface" [Version 1.3.19] 1) Support both short and FQDN in [Configure DNS Hosts] Network sub-tab (DNS Forwarder). [Version 1.3.18] 1) Added logic to make certain new OpenVPN client names do not match existing client names. [Version 1.3.17] 1) The OpenVPN sub-tab supports a Device of either "tun0" or "tun1". This allows exact matching of the OpenVPN interface in the firewall. 2) When either OpenVPN or IPsec is "Restarted", the "Firewall" is automatically restarted. [Version 1.3.16] 1) Miscellaneous tweaks. [Version 1.3.15] 1) Added "RAM Memory" information to the Status tab. [Version 1.3.14] 1) The AstLinux variable STATHOSTS has been renamed to STATICHOSTS. This version of the [Configure DNS Hosts] Network sub-tab (DNS Forwarder) is changed to suport the new format of the STATICHOSTS variable. [Version 1.3.13] 1) The Status tab now contains a "DHCP Leases" section. All non-expired DHCP leases are displayed. The Prefs tab has a new option "Show DHCP Leases" that can be unchecked if desired. [Version 1.3.12] 1) The DNS Forwarder sub-tab now supports a comment string for each hostname. [Version 1.3.11] 1) Added to the Network tab "DNS Forwarder & DHCP Server" under Network Services. Clicking on [Configure DNS Hosts] presents a DNS Forwarder sub-tab that allows the user to define Hostname, IP address and optionally MAC address for DHCP clients. The MAC address DHCP support requires Revision: 2288 to have an effect. 2) The Network tab has it's sub-tabs look more like tabs than buttons, as was previous. Please report any possible layout problems associated with this change. 3) The /admin/setup.php tab now defaults to "combined" per Darrick's wishes. [Version 1.3.10] 1) The Firewall configuration gui has been made easier to understand which fields are required for each action and protocol. Some javascript was added to enable/disable the address and port fields based upon the selected action and protocol. [Version 1.3.09] 1) Added a new feature that allows the fdisk-genunion-genkd operations to be performed via /admin/setup.php in the web interface. A new user would "dd" or physdiskwrite the .img to a CF card, boot and then... Type in the browser: (assuming Bonjour/mDNSResponder) https://pbx.local/admin/setup.php ...and follow the two steps. Currently, this automatic procedure gives the user a 'choice' of one drive (the Runnix drive) as the target. Both "Separate Unionfs and /mnt/kd/" and "Combined Unionfs and /mnt/kd/" format modes are supported. This feature also works from the command line: $ initial-setup status ok-format /dev/hda $ initial-setup format separate /dev/hda 128 $ reboot $ initial-setup configure /dev/hda $ reboot [Version 1.3.08] 1) The CDR Log tab has several new search options: Match Date-Time: Match CID Name: Match CID Num: Match Extension: Match Src Channel: The search text is simple (not ereg), case insensitive and can contain spaces as part of the match. [Version 1.3.07] 1) The OpenVPN configuration gui now supports automatic creation of server and client credentials utilizing a self-signed CA. 1a) Clicking "Create New" will generate the ca.crt, server.crt and server.key files. The server.crt has the 'nsCertType=server' parameter set. Additionally, the dh1024.pem will automatically be created the first time. 1b) Clicking "New Client" will generate the client_name.crt and client_name.key files signed by the self-signed ca.crt. 1c) Clicking "Download" generates a ZIP file containing client_name.crt, client_name.key and ca.crt credentials files for the selected client. Restarting OpenVPN will make the new credentials active. Note: The first time the server credentials are generated the dh1024.pem file is created. This one-time process can take a few minutes to complete, so be patient. Note: This requires PHP5 as configured in trunk-2241 and later. 2) The Network tab now supports automatic creation of the HTTPS Certificate File. If the check-box "Create New HTTPS Cert." is checked, a new self-signed certificate is created using the HOSTNAME as the commonName. The file is stored as /mnt/kd/ssl/webinterface.pem . A System Reboot is required for the new certificate to take effect. Note: This requires PHP5 as configured in trunk-2241 and later. 3) The OpenVPN configuration gui now has a "Cipher" menu. [Version 1.3.06] 1) The Reboot/Restart System (Network and System tabs) command used now adds a delay and executes in the background. This fixes a problem with changes in the reboot command in Busybox. This problem does not effect AstLinux 0.6 or earlier. 2) Status tab, "Disk Usage" filters better to only show physical drive status. [Version 1.3.05] 1) The Network tab supports a DMZ Internal Interface specification. The layout of the internal interfaces in the Network tab has been improved. If a DMZ interface is defined, a LAN interface must also be specified. 2) The Network tab now has some basic sanity checking. If after a sucessful [Save Settings] and the same interface was used to define two different subnets, an Error message is displayed. 3) The firewall gui has been enhanced to support creating arno firewall rules related to a DMZ. The new Firewall Rule Actions include: NAT EXT->DMZ Pass DMZ->Local Pass DMZ->LAN Deny EXT->DMZ Deny DMZ->EXT By default, DMZ hosts are totally blocked from the LAN and the AstLinux box itself. If DHCP is enabled on the NAT'ed DMZ subnet, the default DMZ firewall will block both DHCP and DNS to the local AstLinux box. (The DMZ requires "Pass DMZ->Local" UDP 53,67,68 for DNS-forwarding and DHCP to work.) Note that you may require an update to your /mnt/kd/arno-iptables-firewall/astlinux.shim file to enable DMZ support using the arno 1.8.8 firewall. http://lonnie.abelbeck.com/astlinux/astlinux.shim.tar.gz 4) The Prefs tab has additional Follow-Me Tab Options; "Dialed Number Context" and "Caller Music Class", defining the followme.conf entries "context=>" and "musicclass=>" respectively. If not defined, they use asterisk's default value of "default". Note that these values are only added when a new, non-preexisting extension is defined in the Follow-Me tab. Preexisting followme.conf extension values of "context=>" and "musicclass=>" will not be changed when the dial numbers change. This allows unique options for each extension for administrators with custom followme.conf files. [Version 1.3.04] 1) Yet more cosmetic layout fixes. [Version 1.3.03] 1) Added support in the Follow-Me tab for users choosing not to use the Asterisk FollowMe module. If the /etc/asterisk/followme.conf file is not found, then that file is not edited and the asterisk FollowMe module is not reloaded. In this situation the user's dialplan must handle all the Follow-Me dialing. 2) Previously when using the Firewall gui, undefined arno variables were set to a null string (""). Realizing this is somewhat futile, since there many variables in the arno firewall.conf file that are not used by the Firewall gui, now unused arno variables are simply not specified. It is now assumed that the underlying arno firewall.conf is an unedited, default configuration. 3) A new Prefs tab option: __ Exclude 4-digit Extensions in SIP/IAX2 Peer Status When checked, 4-digit extensions will be filtered out of the SIP/IAX2 Peer Status section. Actually, checking this option has been a standard feature of the web interface since the beginning, but after thinking about this, it should be an option, and disabled by default. 4) The Blacklist and Whitelist tabs' Action menus can now be defined via the Prefs tab; "Blacklist Menu" and "Whitelist Menu" in the "Caller*ID, Blacklist & Whitelist Tab Options" section. A list of tilde (~) seperated strings can be defined. The result will be a menu in the order of your defined list. Your first string is "0", second string "1", etc... This value is easily retrieved from the dialplan. 5) The Prefs tab now contains "Topic Info" icons at the bottom of the page where the various tabs can be marked to be shown. Clicking on the small icon yields a new window containing text, often example dialplans for the associated tab. 6) Some cosmetic layout fixes for browser compatibility. [Version 1.3.02] 1) A new Follow-Me tab has been added, hidden by default. The Follow-Me tab uses Asterisk's internal database (astdb) to maintain a list of Follow-Me numbers and their state. In particular, Asterisk 1.4 supports a Follow-Me application, which makes adding this feature into your dialplan about as easy as it gets. ---- /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf snippet ---- [macro-local-followme] exten => s,1,GotoIf($[${DB_EXISTS(followme/${ARG1})}=0]?nofollow) exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${DB_RESULT:0:1}=0]?nofollow:follow) exten => s,n(follow),Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20) exten => s,n,Followme(${ARG1},san) exten => s,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1) exten => s,n(nofollow),Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20) exten => s,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1) exten => s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},u) ; If unavailable, send to voicemail exten => s-BUSY,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},b) ; If busy, send to voicemail w/ busy ann exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1) ---- /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf snippet ---- Warning! The Follow-Me tab uses the astdb database family "followme", be warned if you already use this in your dialplan! The tab may be safely viewed, but clicking [Save Changes] will write to the database. The Asterisk followme.conf file is automatically edited and the Asterisk app_followme.so application module is automatically reloaded. Note that the source database is astdb, so if you already have a followme.conf file, you will need to reenter your numbers into the Follow-Me tab. The Prefs tab has several options for the Follow-Me tab... 1a) Follow-Me Numbers Displayed: 1 - 6 The number of numbers available in the Follow-Me tab, defaults to 4. 1b) Schedule Menu: | Never~Skip Local Dial | The Schedule menu will appear in the Follow-Me tab if this text entry is defined. A list of tilde (~) seperated strings can be defined. The result will be a menu starting with "Always" and then followed in the order of your defined list. The value of "Always" is 0, your first string is 1, etc... This value is easily retrieved from a dialplan, but is not automatically supported by the Asterisk Follow-Me application. Another example... ---- /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf snippet ---- [macro-ring-inside] exten => s,1,GotoIf($[${DB_EXISTS(followme/${ARG1})}=0]?100) exten => s,n,Set(FM_OPTIONS=${CUT(DB_RESULT,~,1)}) exten => s,n,Set(FM_COUNT=${CUT(FM_OPTIONS,:,1)}) exten => s,n,Set(FM_SCHEDULE=${CUT(FM_OPTIONS,:,3)}) exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${FM_SCHEDULE}=1]?100) ; Never exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${FM_SCHEDULE}=2]?50) ; Skip Local Dial exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${FM_COUNT}=0]?100) ; Local Dial then Follow-Me then Voicemail exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20) exten => s,n,Goto(50) ; Follow-Me then Voicemail exten => s,50,Followme(${ARG1},sn) exten => s,n,Voicemail(${ARG1},u) ; Local Dial then Voicemail exten => s,100,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},20) exten => s,n,Voicemail(${ARG1},u) ---- /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf snippet ---- 1c) Use Caller*ID Tab Number Format Rules for Follow-Me This option is checked by default, giving a sanity check to your phone number entries. The administrator can define the format rule or simply uncheck to disable this feature. All three security levels are supported by the Follow-Me tab: admin, staff and 'numbered' user. The non-admin 'numbered' user can only edit the status of their Follow-Me numbers. Finally, it is suggested in the Prefs tab to have _X_ Use Asterisk Manager Interface for Asterisk Commands checked, since the performance of the Follow-Me tab will be greatly improved. [Version 1.3.01] 1) Added support for Dynamic DNS Update in the Network tab. All fields must be specified for the Dynamic DNS client to be started. The current inadyn 1.96.2 has a problem with ZoneEdit using it's native support. The menu choice ZoneEdit [generic] uses inadyn's generic method which should work properly. 2) At the top of the Network tab, "Restart Dynamic DNS" is added, allowing the client to be restarted without rebooting the system. 3) In the "Advanced Configuration" section at the bottom of the Network tab a new feature allows either the /mnt/kd/dnsmasq.conf or /mnt/kd/dnamasq.static files to be edited. "Full DNS & DHCP Configuration" or "Additional DNS & DHCP Configuration" respectively. 4) At the top of the Network tab, "Restart DNS & DHCP" is added, allowing DNSMasq server to be restarted without rebooting the system. 5) The Edit tab now has the ability to restart processes just as the Network tab. This allows a text file to be edited and the associated process to be restarted without leaving the Edit tab. [Version 1.3.00] 1) Fixed a problem in the Firewall gui where if "NAT EXT->LAN" contained a source address of 0/0 the rule would not be generated properly within the arno firewall. Workaround for 1.2.08 users (AstLinux 0.6.2): In the Firewall gui, "NAT EXT->LAN" Source: is to use 0.0/0 for all hosts instead of 0/0 2) Added support for arno firewall version 1.9.x . The version of the arno executable script is used to automatically support both arno firewall 1.8.8 and 1.9.x . 3) The [Edit Firewall Config...] gui now includes a "Traffic Shaping" section provided the "traffic-shaper" arno plugin is installed. Both "htb" and "hfsc" types are supported. AstLinux Traffic-Shaper arno plugin: http://lonnie.abelbeck.com/astlinux/traffic-shaper-plugin.tar.gz (extracts traffic-shaper.plugin and traffic-shaper.conf file in place) [Version 1.2.08] 1) Tagged to AstLinux 0.6.2 2) Yet another enhancement to the arno firewall gui. A new "Firewall Options" section offers several check-box options related to ICMP and logging. 3) System Firmware Upgrade: A new feature beginning with AstLinux 0.6.2 allows firmware upgrades of the run-image via the System tab. Check for New, Upgrade with New, Show Installed, and Revert to Previous (Firmware) are the available options. The goal is to automatically maintain two run-images. The "System Firmware Upgrade" repository can be a private or trusted public URL. The Prefs tab allows the Repository URL to be specified. The file format of the repository is described below for three example platforms for the "astlinux-0.6.2" run image: ./net5501/ver ./net5501/astlinux-0.6.2.tar.gz.sha1 ./net5501/astlinux-0.6.2.tar.gz ./via/ver ./via/astlinux-0.6.2.tar.gz.sha1 ./via/astlinux-0.6.2.tar.gz ./via-serial/ver ./via-serial/astlinux-0.6.2.tar.gz.sha1 ./via-serial/astlinux-0.6.2.tar.gz where: echo "astlinux-0.6.2" > ver After an upgrade is successful, the system must be rebooted for the new run-image to be made active. By default, the previous run-image is saved and can "Revert to Previous" if desired. [Version 1.2.07] 1) An enhancement to the new arno firewall support, firewall plugin config file support. In the Network tab, a new "Firewall Plugins" feature lists all available .conf files in a menu-list, as well as indicating the Enabled/Disabled status. Select a plugin to configure, then click on the [Edit Plugin Config...] button to edit the plugin config file. Setting the ENABLE= variable determines if the plugin is used. Either of two directories can be used for the .conf files, in this order... First: /mnt/kd/arno-iptables-firewall/plugins Second: /mnt/kd/arno-firewall [Version 1.2.06] 1) A new feature allows the arno firewall to be edited with a gui. This feature requires astLinux version 0.6 and later, or builds since June 2008. One or more internal interfaces must be defined for the firewall to be active. The Network tab has a new section... Firewall Configuration: Arno Firewall: [Edit Firewall Config...] When the [Edit Firewall Config...] button is selected, the Firewall Configuration is shown. After firewall rules are defined and saved, the [Restart Firewall] button will make the rules active without the need to reboot the system. Clicking the the [ + ] at the left of each rule will load the input fields with that rule's values. Make changes and then [Save Settings]. The original rule will remain, if that is not desired, simply delete the original rule. Any firewall rule may be 'Disabled' without deleting, by checking the box under the Disabled column, and then click [Save Settings] and then [Restart Firewall]. Remember that new firewall rules are not applied until after a [Restart Firewall]. Be sure to test each firewall rule before it is placed into production. 2) The previous Network tab "Firewall Type" has been removed. By default the FWVERS variable is set to "astfw", so the Advanced Configuration section of the Network tab may be used to define any of the related "astfw" firewall settings. Note that if the [Edit Firewall Config...] button is selected AND then [Save Settings] is clicked, then a gui.firewall.conf file is created with FWVERS="arno", thereby enabling the arno firewall. [Version 1.2.05] 1) The Network tab now allows a 2nd and 3rd internal network interface to be defined. Note: If you previously defined theses variables in the Advanced/User System Variables section, be sure to remove them so the Network tab values won't be overidden. [Version 1.2.04] 1) Fixed a problem with the Monitor Tab if a filename contained URL special characters. [Version 1.2.03] 1) The CDR Log tab has a new option menu under "Download Call Detail Records". The new menu contains [Formatted] and [Raw CDR]. The default [Formatted] selection acts as it did previously. The new [Raw CDR] selection downloads raw (not formatted) records that match the date range selected. 2) The Prefs tab has a new option in the "CDR Log Tab Options" section. ___ Display [disposition] CDR value When checked, the chosen CDR value will be additionally displayed in the CDR Log tab. Note: This option does not apply to the "Special cdr-custom" log format. 3) Increased 'maxlength' of a few Network tab text entries. [Version 1.2.02] 1) The Prefs tab has a new option under "System Tab Options" _X_ Backup tar archives compressed with gzip [.gz] When checked (the default), all backup tar archive sets (and optional unionfs partition backup) will be be compressed using gzip, creating a .tar.gz archive. When unchecked, no compression will be used, creating a .tar archive. This is much faster, but results in larger backup files. Users will most likely want to also check: _X_ Backup temporary file uses /mnt/kd/ instead of /tmp/ when gzip compression is not used. Note: This gzip option also appiles to the optional unionfs partition backup, if not checked, the unionfs partition is saved as /mnt/kd/asturw.tar with no gzip compression. 2) The System tab has a new item in the "Download Backup" menu, "Non-/mnt/kd/ unionfs files" When chosen, only the non-/mnt/kd/ asturw files will be downloaded, reguardless of the value of the Prefs tab "Backup unionfs partition..." value. 3) If either the /mnt/kd/asturw.tar or asturw.tar.gz file is generated for the backup, the file will be automatically deleted after the backup is completed. 4) Fixed a button width issue with FF 3 and Linux [Version 1.2.01] The Prefs tab has a new option under "System Tab Options" ___ Backup unionfs partition as /mnt/kd/asturw.tar[.gz] When checked, the unionfs partition archive is saved under /mnt/kd/, then when a backup set [All...|Core...|All Except...] in the System tab is chosen, the unionfs archive is included in the backup. Note: The resulting tar archive is created to extract in-place. To restore the non-/mnt/kd/ unionfs data, type: tar xzvf /mnt/kd/asturw.tar.gz -C /oldroot/mnt/asturw/ or tar xvf /mnt/kd/asturw.tar -C /oldroot/mnt/asturw/ and then reboot to allow unionfs to use the updated files. [Version 1.2.00] 1) A minor fix to the 1.1.05 countdown feature. When the countdown is finished, the user is redirected to the Status tab. If the Status tab took more than 1 second to load, the browser would try again, and again, every second. The redirection now only tries once. If the Prefs tab option "Use Asterisk Manager..." is checked, the Status tab will load in less than a second, so the multi-reload issue does not occur. (see the 1.0.05 feature to overcome slow asterisk command execution) [Version 1.1.08] 1) Tagged to AstLinux 0.6.1 2) The /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/user.conf file is now always automatically created. Often this file will not have any variable definitions, but instructive comments are included to help define the purpose of this file. 3) The Network tab has a new "Advanced Configuration" section. The "User System Variables" has a button [Edit User Config...], when clicked, the user.conf file is edited. With this addition, any/all of the system configuation variables can be specified from the Network tab. 4) The Prefs tab General Options: "External URL Link" has a new feature. If the URL contains the string "://localhost" then this special case will replace the "localhost" string with the hostname the user's browser is currently using to access altweb. For example, if you use https://my.public.tld/status.php to access altweb, you can specify http://localhost:8088/asterisk/ as the "External URL Link" will expand to http://my.public.tld:8088/asterisk/ in the href= link. If a port number exists in both the browser and ://localhost:NNNN in the "External URL Link" the "External URL Link" port number NNNN has precedence. [Version 1.1.07] Previously, the /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/user.conf file was automatically created with any variables that were defined in the current /etc/rc.conf that were not defined in /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/gui.network.conf file. This only occurs when there is no rc.conf.d/ directory and the user clicks "Save Settings" in the Network tab, thereby creating the rc.conf.d/ directory. As such, any variable definitions beginning with IPSEC_ and OVPN_ would previously be added to the user.conf file. This version properly places variables beginning with IPSEC_ to the gui.ipsec.conf file and variables beginning with OVPN_ to the gui.openvpn.conf file. [Version 1.1.06] 1) Support Philip's latest IPsec tweaks. 2) Allow both IPsec and OpenVPN tunnels at the same time. (Requires Philip's trunk-1956 revisions or branches-0.6-1958) The VPN section of the Network tab has changed from version 1.1.03. Each VPN type now has a checkbox (enabled or not) and a button to edit the VPN configuration. [Version 1.1.05] When the system is rebooted, a few lines of JavaScript shows a countdown during a reboot. System is Rebooting... back in 135 seconds. After the countdown is complete, the Status tab is automatically displayed. The default value of the countdown time is 135 seconds, if that is too short it can be increased or provided as a Prefs option if users see that need. [Version 1.1.04] The Network tab "Reboot/Restart" button now has a menu to allow different processes to be restarted. Reboot System Restart PPPoE Restart NTPd Restart IPsec Restart OpenVPN Restart Asterisk Any configuration changes with a "Save Settings" will be used when the process is restarted. The PPPoE restart code has been made more robust. Please report any problems. [Version 1.1.03] The Network tab supports new functions. 1) NTP Server: [Edit NTP Config...] button. If the file /mnt/kd/ntpd.conf exists this button appears. When clicked the Edit tab is invoked with the ntpd.conf file to be editied. 2) VPN Type: [Edit VPN Config...] button. Both IPsec and OpenVPN configurations are now supported. After selecting a "VPN Type", clicking "Edit VPN Config..." will present a dialog to manage the VPN configuration. The /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/ files are gui.ipsec.conf and gui.openvpn.conf . If you had VPN variables set in your /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/user.conf previously, be sure to edit your user.conf and remove those entries. For OpenVPN, if the file /mnt/kd/openvpn/openvpn.conf exists, the Edit tab is invoked with the openvpn.conf file to be editied. Note: Restarting either IPsec or OpenVPN requires AstLinux 0.6 or recent trunk builds. [Version 1.1.02] 1) CDR Log tab searching text has been enhanced. The "Search For Text" action now allows multiple patterns to be matched by OR'ing (|) or AND'ing (&). For example, a search action of "dog|cat" finds all CDR's that contain "dog" OR "cat". A search action of "dog&cat" finds all CDR's that contain "dog" AND "cat". All searches are case-insensitive, and obey basic regular expression rules. Two helper actions are added "Match All Words", and "Match Any Words"; in each case words seperated by a space delimiter will issue the proper search. Additionally, the | and & delimiters can be used, but "Match All Words" will replace any delimiter with & and "Match Any Words" will replace any delimiter with a | . This allows switching from one to the other without changing the search patterns. Note: Both &'s and |'s cannot occur within a single search string. 2) Edit tab now allows any writeable /mnt/kd/*.conf file to be edited, including a useful description for the common ones. Additionally, the /mnt/kd/ files; ethers, hosts and dnsmasq.static can be editied if they exist. 3) System tab, "View System Files" now includes any readable /etc/*.conf file. [Version 1.1.01] 1) A new Prefs tab option, under "Status Tab Options:" ___ Require Authentication for Status Tab When unchecked (the default), anyone can view the Status tab. When checked, only authenticated users can view the Status tab. Authenticated users include "admin", "staff" and "NNNN" (numbered user). [Version 1.1.00] 1) First public release in AstLinux 0.6 [Version 1.0.08] 1) Speed Dial 'prefix' defined in the Prefs tab has been increased to a max of 8 characters. 2) When the asterisk manager interface (AMI) is used to communicate with asterisk, informative error messages are displayed if the AMI connection fails. 3) Status tab displays error message if asterisk is running but can't communicate via AMI. [Version 1.0.07] 1) Prefs tab, system location of 'prefs' data, now has two possible locations. By default, at the base of the web directory ($HTTPSDIR), the file prefs.txt contains the 'prefs' data. Optionally, at the base of the keydisk directory (/mnt/kd/), the file webgui-prefs.txt contains the 'prefs' data. If the /mnt/kd/webgui-prefs.txt file exists, it will have priority and be used. Placing the 'prefs' data in the /mnt/kd/ directory has the advantage that standard backups via the Stytem tab will backup the webgui-prefs.txt file. Additionally, this removes the prefs.txt from being viewed via a browser, not that any sensitive data is stored in this file. [Version 1.0.06] 1) Status tab, added AstLinux Release and Asterisk version. 2) Status tab, prettified basic information. Note: A new style class was added, your browser may cache the previous style sheet, so reload (or SHIFT-reload) your browser of the top status area does not have a box around it. [Version 1.0.05] 1) A new Prefs tab option, under "Status Tab Options:" ___ Use Asterisk Manager Interface for Asterisk Commands When unchecked (the default), the system shell uses "asterisk -rx ..." calls to issue commands to asterisk. When checked, the asterisk manager interface (AMI) is used to issue commands to asterisk, using user/password 'webinterface'. Using the asterisk manager interface requires the /etc/asterisk/manager.conf file to be properly configured. Note that only connections from localhost to localhost are allowed in the snippet below. ---- /etc/asterisk/manager.conf snippet ---- [general] enabled = yes port = 5038 bindaddr = ; Web interface localhost user for AstLinux ; [webinterface] secret = webinterface deny= permit= read = command write = command ---- /etc/asterisk/manager.conf snippet ---- For changes to the manager.conf to be applied, reboot/restart the system. [Version 1.0.04] 1) The CDR Log tab, "Display Call Detail Records" has an action menu including "Last Entries" (as before) and "Text Search" (new). The "Text Search" does a 'grep -i "string"' of the raw Master.csv file to determine which lines are displayed. Display results are limited to 1000 entries as a sanity limit. 2) The CDR Log tab, a major rewrite of how Master.csv files are parsed and which format they were generated with. 3) The Prefs tab now allows three CDR Log Format's: [Standard cdr-csv] The standard default format logged to /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv. [Default cdr-custom] The default format described in the cdr_custom.conf file, commented-out by default. (Yes, it is different from the [Standard cdr-csv]) [Special cdr-custom] The previous default setting, simple format, documented in the help pages. If you were using this format, you will have to re-select this in the Prefs tab since the default has changed. 4) The CDR Log Path: now defaults to /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv and CDR Log Format: [Standard cdr-csv]. [Version 1.0.03] 1) The System tab "View System Files" has two new entries near the top. system: Default Variables system: /stat/etc/rc.conf When either is chosen, the /stat/etc/rc.conf file is displayed. [Version 1.0.02] 1) The Status tab now includes a "Disk Usage" section. This can be hidden via a Prefs tab option. 2) The Status tab now displays a "GUI Version:". Additionally, the download site automatically displays the current version number. Added: common/version.php 3) A new Prefs option under System Tab Options: __ Backup temporary file uses /mnt/kd/ instead of /tmp/ unchecked by default. When checked, the tar temporary file is prefixed with "/mnt/kd/." such that it won't be listed with the "ls -1" which is passed to tar to generate the input list. This feature allows tar backups greater than 10MB, the default /tmp/ size. [Version 1.0.01] 1) The System tab now offers multiple backup sets to choose from under "Configuration/File Backup:". Please suggest any other backup sets and I will add them. Note: The resulting tar archives are created to extract in-place. For example, if you have a backup named "pbx-core-2008-08-09.tar.gz" and want to restore the data, simply ftp the file to your system and type: tar xzvf pbx-core-2008-08-09.tar.gz -C /mnt/kd/ 2) The Network tab has removed TFTPDOPTIONS and FTPDOPTIONS definitions since they are not longer supported in future AstLinux versions. If a /mnt/kd/vsftpd.conf file exists, the gui silently sets FTPDOPTIONS=/mnt/kd/vsftpd.conf to support current and previous versions of AstLinux. If users need to set these variables to anything else, add them to /mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/user.conf 3) The Speed Dial tab now accepts an optional "Name" entry. Up to 100 speed dial entries can now be defined (still defaults to 50). The Prefs tab allows the user to set the digits from "00 to 09" through "00 to 99". The extension number can be clicked to load it's values for easy updating or used as a template for another speed dial number. 4) A new Directory tab displays the Speed Dial "Names" and extensions. If the Speed Dial entry does not have a "Name", it will not appear in the Directory tab. This tab requires no authentication, like the Status tab. Added: directory.php 5) In the Prefs tab -> General Options: Two new options... "External URL Link:" and "External URL Name:". The link with name will appear in the upper-right corner of all altweb screens. The link is passed to the html anchor href=, it could point to local/remote help files, support website, mailto address, asterisk-gui link, etc. 6) Both NTPSERV and NTPSERVS is supported in the Network tab. Multiple ntp servers should be space separated. 7) Fixed PHP redirect issue. Previously, I redirected using php's $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. Now, I redirect using $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. This should allow either a DNS-name or a numeric-IP to be entered in the browser. 8) A Users tab as been added which provides Voicemail Users Management. The asterisk voicemail.conf file is edited via the web-gui. Additionally, web-gui usernames/passwords (admin/.htpasswd) are automatically generated/deleted to match asterisk's VoiceMailMain() passwords. 9) Voicemail "externpass=" script: http://lonnie.abelbeck.com/astlinux/ast-vmpass.txt The script above should keep the web-gui .htpasswd file sync'ed to the voicemail.conf file when a voicemail user manually changes his/her password from a phone via asterisk's VoiceMailMain(). In the online documentation (link below) see the "Voicemail Users:" section for installation instructions. 10) Support for "externnotify=" voicemail.conf variable. When using the Voicemail tab, and while changes to the inbox occur, if this variable is defined in the voicemail.conf file, this script is executed. Additionally, the Prefs tab option "Enable Voicemail External Notify Script" must be checked for this feature to be enabled. 11) New "staff" user authentication. The System tab now allows both "admin" and "staff" user passwords to be changed, and no longer resets the .htpasswd file, but rather edits the file keeping other defined users intact. Authentication Summary: A) "admin" authentication; ALL tabs are available. B) "staff" authentication; Status, Directory, Voicemail, Monitor, CDR Log, Speed Dial, Caller*ID, Blacklist, Whitelist and Users tabs are available. C) "NNNN" (numbered user) authentication; Status, Directory, Voicemail and Monitor tabs are available. The htpasswd shell command is no longer required to add users. [pre-Version 1.0.01] // directory.php for AstLinux // 08-06-2008 // // phone-dir.php for AstLinux // 08-06-2008 // // Usage: https://pbx/phone-dir.php?type=generic // type= generic, polycom // // status.php for AstLinux // 03-01-2007 // 01-15-2008, Added ntpq support // 01-21-2008, Added core show channels support // 02-13-2008, Improved ntpq display format // 03-31-2008, Reworked system stats, ntpd and syslog sections // 04-08-2008, Added Preferneces Support // 04-10-2008, Added Password Warning // 04-12-2008, Added PPPoE Status // 04-18-2008, Changed System Time to use PHP date // 08-10-2008, Added Disk Usage and GUI Version // // blacklist.php for AstLinux // 03-24-2008 // // cdrlog.php for AstLinux // 03-28-2008 // 04-13-2008, Add user defined logfile location // 06-04-2008, Add Darrick Hartman's extra columns w/ Prefs option // 06-04-2008, Change CDR.csv to not be a binary image of Master.csv // 06-06-2008, Add filter by date for download CDR.csv // // cidname.php for AstLinux // 03-24-2008 // // edit.php for AstLinux // 04-28-2008 // // monitor.php for AstLinux // 04-15-2008 // 04-25-2008, Added inline wav // 06-05-2008, Added multi-user support // // network.php for AstLinux // 04-04-2008 // 04-08-2008, Added Network Services // 04-22-2008, Added user.conf generation // 08-01-2008, Added tftpd - dnsmasq option // 08-05-2008, Added NTPSERVS support // 08-07-2008, Added HTTPUSER and HTTPSUSER support // 08-07-2008, Removed TFTPDOPTIONS and FTPDOPTIONS support // // prefs.php for AstLinux // 04-06-2008 // 04-20-2008, Never-ending Additions // // sysdial.php for AstLinux // 03-24-2008 // 04-12-2008, Added Extension Prefix // // system.php for AstLinux // 03-26-2008 // 04-02-2008, Added rc.conf display // 04-09-2008, Added view file // 07-29-2008, Added staff password generation // 08-09-2008, Added multiple backup sets // // view.php for AstLinux // 04-09-2008 // // voicemail.php for AstLinux // 04-20-2008 // 06-04-2008, Added multi-user support // 07-20-2008, Added special user "staff" permissions // 07-21-2008, Added externnotify support // // whitelist.php for AstLinux // 04-12-2008 // // functions.php for AstLinux // 03-25-2008 // 04-02-2008, Added parseRCconfig() // 04-03-2008, Added getETHinterfaces() // 04-04-2008, Added getVARdef() // 04-10-2008, Added getTITLEname() // // header.php for AstLinux // 03-25-2008 // // insert-wav-inline.php for AstLinux // 04-26-2008 // // result.php for AstLinux // 03-25-2008 // // version.php for AstLinux // 08-10-2008